Dr. Filtzer and our modern acidic enviroment.

“Drinking the right water, not just any water, is critical for your health and prevention of disease. This is true, now more than ever, in our acidic 21st century society.” –Horst S. Filtzer, MD., F.A.C.S. Former Chief of Surgery Cambridge Hospital Harvard Medical School.
In 1931 the chances of getting cancer were 1 in 50,000. Now the chances of getting cancer if you are a man is 1 in 2 and if you are a woman 1 in 3. A lot has changed since 1931.
There has been a lot of research and observations done to see what has changed and here are some interesting facts.
The body of a baby born in 1900 is equal to and the same as a baby born in 2000.
The difference is what we are putting in and on our body.
Pollution, namely a multitude of man made chemicals that are now loose on the world, in our air, soil and water.
Our food, is grown from chemicals and covered in chemicals in the form of pesticides and herbicides, most of which are oil based and can’t be washed off with normal water. Than most of our food is processed (more chemicals added) and packaged.
All of this has combined to create the highly acidic environment of today’s society that Dr. Filtzer is referring to. It is that slight shift in our body PH to the acidic side that makes for the right environment for degenerative diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, chronic pain and heart disease.
As a whole we may be living a little longer but I notice a lot of people by the time they reach 50, are slaves to the medical and pharmaceutical community and have slowed way down.

The good news is, we are mostly water, about 70%, so if we drink more alkaline antioxidant water it will have more of a balancing affect than anything we can do. Plus it is easy, tastes good, helps us feel good, is environmentally friendly and saves us a bunch of money each year. Plus a very high alkaline water will emulsify and remove the oily pesticides and herbicides from your vegetables.
For more information we have a blog at, and a FREE ebook on our site,
Have a Blessed day everyone,
Chris, Donna and Coco,

Alkaline water, vs. Kangen Alkaline Antioxidant water

A lot of people are confused about alkaline water and ionized alkaline water or as I call it alkaline antioxidant water. Yes adding lemon to water is very good for you, lemon although acidic turns alkaline in the body and it also has some great organic minerals, but it adds no antioxidant value to the water, that is so vital to our health. The electrical ionization is what creates the antioxidant value of the water in much the same way water flowing over the ground gains in antioxidant value from the magnetic fields in the earth.
Alkaline water can be made up of a combination of things, the most popular of those is baking soda. Now true it will raise the PH reading and chances are something like it was probably added to the water at the treatment plant before it headed out in pipes to your home. By law the water piped has to be neutral and they add things to make it that way. Where as a small amount of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) (make sure it doesn’t have any aluminum in it) is good for a lot of things, too much can cause, seizures, abdominal pain, chest pain, muscle pain and other serious conditions.
Ionized has no additives to it because it’s restructured water. Drinking alkaline antioxidant water can help to retain your optimal body PH balance so it will function at peak efficiency.
Plain alkaline water doesn’t have the antioxidant values that alkaline antioxidant water has. Many doctors and studies have found that patients that drank alkaline antioxidant water created through ionization have had tremendous health benefits in,
High blood pressure
Leg cramps
Chronic constipation
Migraines, just to name a few.
It’s what we don’t know and advertising companies don’t tell us that may not be good for us but good for their stockholders… Ask questions and find out for yourself.
We have a FREE Ebook at our home site, www.alkaline-antioxidant-water.com Depending on were you live, I may be able to set you up with a 3 week FREE water trial, so you can see first hand what it might do for you.
Some people have asked to learn a little more about ‘us’, we can be found at, www.wildwoodcrafters.com and on Facebook, Kangen Chris Jensen
Have a Blessed day…