New Years diet, Sugar enemy number one.

We have learned so much in the last 4 years about what we put in our body. We also decided that the first 3 months of 2017 we would change every habit we can for the good, even if we don’t like it (after all it’s only 3 months) and than see how many of these good habits will stick. Wish us luck…
We need help, can someone please direct us to research studies on sugar….. We switched to drinking #AlkalineAntioxidantWater 4 years ago and it has helped us (and anybody we share it with) soooo much it has been hard to believe we can healthier. Being on average 70% water, what we drink is only part of the story and we have vowed to do something about the other 30% this year. I have always liked my sugar and lately have been cutting it down by a BUNCH. But we do need a good-for-you sweet alternative. Some people say honey, some say coconut sugar (but that is still sugar, right?). I need to find out the real good-bad-and-ugly so I can recommend the truth on our health site. Thanks for any help,
You can also follow us on our site,
Happy New Year Everyone….cartoon

What is Direct Marketing ?

    Social media is a very powerful and ‘Now’ kind of way that people are able to connect with and make new friends and follow people they are interested in. That leads to interacting with new people and making new friends. These new friends are now world wide from all walks of life. We are no longer confined to meeting new people at the grocery store, post office, gas station, at work, through a few school friends
   Lord, thank you for the opportunity to get away from having to meet people in bars. That used to be the accepted way to met people as well as make business contacts. No wonder we had such an alcohol problem along with the broken homes from putting half drunk humans of the opposite sex all in the same room while the husband or wife is home with the kids. Fact of life, we just can’t handle that, to say nothing of the expense, a person can spend a months rent in one night if they are really having a good night.
   So the Internet is a relative safe way to ‘Expand Ones Horizons’ And I firmly believe that most people are good people. Sure there are people that are not to be trusted, so you need to take your time and get to know people by the things they talk about over time. Out of thy mouth, pourith thy heart.
   I try to take control of my circle of friends, everybody has a bad day and it good to try and lend a hand or a helpful comment, sometimes just a sympathetic ear. But for people that seem to always have a bad day, I will finally unfriend or unfollow them, because who we hang out with will rub off on us, they can drain our energy and influence our lives.
   Meanwhile lets say we all have about 500 people that we came in contact with on and off by way of all of our social connections, and by the way because of branches going out from those people the numbers are actually much larger.
  I n a normal store in your normal town, you need something, you make a list. You now go to the store (traffic, expense, pollution), choose from a limited selection for what is best going to fit your needs with what that store has in stock. Do you ever leave the store with just what was on the list?
   Now we can buy things on the internet, we can plan ahead when we know we are going to need something, research what company has the best product for what I need and buy it from them, no matter where in the world they are from and get it delivered to my door in a matter of days.
   So some companies no longer need the store and they can sell online in a number of ways. One way is to sell through big online marketers like Amazon or even Ebay and basically pay them a commission for handling the sale or they might choose to market themselves, and for anybody that knows it is very time consuming and expensive to do it in a big way to really get out there in the world. OR, and this is the one I like best, they let people like you and me become distributors and just tell others about their product, help them fill out an order to the company that than ships it directly to their door and than pay us a commission for helping with the sale, That is called ‘direct marketing’.
   Direct Marketing is not to be confused with Multi-level Marketing, MLMs work by signing up multitudes of small customers under you, endlessly, so that you get a small piece of every sale. There really is nothing wrong with this type of marketing, it just requires a lot of time, work and people. Unfortunately a lot of people get involved thinking they are going to make a bunch of money and hopefully make enough to pay for their own product that they use. But for most it’s a struggle to just brake even every month and they never really see the results the top leaders are doing, because they just can’t put in the time they do. It knocks down their self esteem and gives MLM a bad name. That kind of marketing is just not for me, I want to be sure I have happy customers.
   I hope this article has helped in some way, personally I have found a Direct Marketing company that has the top of the line quality and is something I think everyone needs. They even have a patented commission plan that no one else has. It payes a good healthy commission to a small number of people in such a way that I get an ever smaller amount from my downline while I show them the ropes and help them get ahead untill I no longer get anything from them except ‘numbers of sales’ and I can get bonuses as those numbers grow. That keeps everyone’s check bigger. The company has no time limits, quotas, auto-ship or anything like that. You make a sale, you get a commission, period. If you want to work for a Direct Marketing company, it is very important who you sign up under as to how much support you will get.
   I’m thinking of starting a “Chris’s Catalogue of Direct Marketing Companies” so if you think you have a product that would be of benefit, be top of the line and not conflicting with other choices in my Catalogue of products, I would be interested in partnering up with you.

Get healthy, stay healthy.

Cancer research is a business, all businesses are there to make money. Every doctor will tell you acidosis is a major cause of disease. Yet when was the last time your doctor checked your pH ? I’ll bet never.
Doctors in the States treat symptoms not the cause, if they treated the cause of disease they would have fewer patients, fewer patients’ equals less money.
We have known since the early 1900s that a slightly alkaline body will have 90% less degenerative disease, (cancer, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes and many more are degenerative diseases). Sodas and almost anything from a bottle or can, including reverse osmosis bottled water are VERY acidic. Eating an alkaline diet and drinking #AlkalineAntioxidantWater will bring your body back to what is called homeostasis, that is a healthy body and God designed our bodies to resist and heal it self of all disease. Our job is to give our body healthy food and drink, we are 70% water after all, so it can do it’s job.
The Japanese look for and treat the cause of disease and they live longer and healthier lives than anyone on the planet (facts from the World Heath Organization). All the major hospitals and 3 out of 5 homes in Japan have Kangen® water machines that are registered medical devices there because of the highest quality of materials and components and make the best #AlkalineAntioxidantWater available.
These machines are now available world wide and sit on your kitchen counter taking up no more room than most coffee makers and make the best sweetest water that you have ever tasted.
We have just recently been given the privilege to work with the world renowned nutritionist Shan Stratton. He has for the last 25 years worked with and advised teams, athletes, Olympic hopefuls, weekend warriors and all of us that just want to stay in shape or lose a few pounds. He has also just started a LIVE educational series via the internet every Tuesday evening at 9:00 pm Eastern and if you will register using my personal link you can attend FREE as my guest.

What is H2 or Hydrogen Water ?

Hydrogen (H2) water is water with a high concentration of dissolved hydrogen and high electron activity, and is also referred to as antioxidant water. It is produced by electrolysis in a water ionizer that literally takes apart the H2O water molecule and than puts it back together with an extra hydrogen electron. It is now referred to as H2 Water and when added to the body it supplies the missing electron that free radicals are looking for. As most of us know free radicals are responsible for degenerative diseases like, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, gout, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, and a general weakening of the immune system.
In 2007 with a lot of people talking about the benefits of drinking alkaline water, the United States and a few other country’s started doing studies and research on the subject and why some people get results and others don’t. What they are finding out is although maintaining a slightly alkaline ph balance in the body is very beneficial it’s the extra electron, that is only produced through electrolysis in an ionizer, that is responsible for fighting off these degenerative diseases. The only problem is the extra electrons created dissipate (escape) within 16 to 18 hours after the H2 water is created. In other words you have to drink it while it is fresh.
Another thing that happens when the H2 water is created, is during the electrolysis the water molecule is changed in another way that is inaccurately referred to as micro-clustering. In demonstrations it appears to be the result of a smaller molecule size and has been reported as such by many researchers and doctors when in fact what is happening is the electronic field around the molecules are changed allowing for up to 6 times better hydration than normal.
The H2 rich alkaline antioxidant water produced by a good water ionizer made from high quality materials and medical grade plates is quickly becoming the accepted first line of defense in maintaining good health. Before long every home will have one, and with prices starting at only $1480 US from the top of the line company, it’s actually cheaper than bottled water for the average family plus healthier and eliminates the tons of plastic bottles that end up in our environment every day.
If you go to my site, We have a FREE E-book so you can learn more…

Dr. Filtzer and our modern acidic enviroment.

“Drinking the right water, not just any water, is critical for your health and prevention of disease. This is true, now more than ever, in our acidic 21st century society.” –Horst S. Filtzer, MD., F.A.C.S. Former Chief of Surgery Cambridge Hospital Harvard Medical School.
In 1931 the chances of getting cancer were 1 in 50,000. Now the chances of getting cancer if you are a man is 1 in 2 and if you are a woman 1 in 3. A lot has changed since 1931.
There has been a lot of research and observations done to see what has changed and here are some interesting facts.
The body of a baby born in 1900 is equal to and the same as a baby born in 2000.
The difference is what we are putting in and on our body.
Pollution, namely a multitude of man made chemicals that are now loose on the world, in our air, soil and water.
Our food, is grown from chemicals and covered in chemicals in the form of pesticides and herbicides, most of which are oil based and can’t be washed off with normal water. Than most of our food is processed (more chemicals added) and packaged.
All of this has combined to create the highly acidic environment of today’s society that Dr. Filtzer is referring to. It is that slight shift in our body PH to the acidic side that makes for the right environment for degenerative diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, chronic pain and heart disease.
As a whole we may be living a little longer but I notice a lot of people by the time they reach 50, are slaves to the medical and pharmaceutical community and have slowed way down.

The good news is, we are mostly water, about 70%, so if we drink more alkaline antioxidant water it will have more of a balancing affect than anything we can do. Plus it is easy, tastes good, helps us feel good, is environmentally friendly and saves us a bunch of money each year. Plus a very high alkaline water will emulsify and remove the oily pesticides and herbicides from your vegetables.
For more information we have a blog at, and a FREE ebook on our site,
Have a Blessed day everyone,
Chris, Donna and Coco,

Our story

Now after 2 years of drinking the Kangen alkaline antioxidant water that we make in our kitchen. We have come up with some amazing results and found out some interesting ways to use the different waters that our machine makes.

Donna is still off 90% of the prescribed medications she was on 2 years ago, she was taking 22 different meds a day (that is one heck of a savings). I gained back the 5 lbs I lost at the start, but my bones still don’t hurt at all. The range of movement in my left arm, I think has improved a little and has definitely not gotten worse.

Everybody has their good days and bad days, Donna had a few bad days last summer after a 4 wheeler wreck playing with the grandkids, broke her elbow. Otherwise she still likes to sleep till about 9:00 and than she is busy the rest of the day, visiting and volunteering. We have been able to notice that just a few days in a row of drinking coffee or eating a lot of beef or pork and we get sluggish and achy.

We are also glad we got the ‘flagship model’ the SD501 that makes the 11.5 PH water that emulsifies and removes the oil based pesticides on fruits and vegetables, and the 2.5 PH water that kills bacteria and sanitizes everything without chemicals, we use it a lot.

Bottom line is, putting healthy things into our body makes us feel better and have more energy. Why was that so hard to figure out ???

There are models starting at just $1480 us. We also have a FREE ebook…

Alkaline Antioxidant Water

Kangen Water
After being introduced to Alkaline Antioxidant water and seeing first hand the amazing health benefits of drinking the water. For example my wife Donna, 57 been going to doctors and hospitals since she was 6, been is major surgery’s at least 12 times including 4 hip replacements a shoulder replacement among things and had been a walking pharmacy taking over 20 pills a day and at times almost bedfast.
To within 4 weeks of starting drinking Alkaline water cutting her pills in half, down 5 pounds, lots of energy, pain level way down and now after 2 years of drinking the water she takes one pill a day has lots of energy and is going all the time almost pain free. Oh by the way blood pressure down 100 points, cholesterol down 80 points just from the water !
Me, 63 and healthy, never was a water drinker. Started getting…

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Degenerative disease and diabetes

I wanted to share something I just learned recently about diabetes and that is it’s most commonly a degenerative disease and that most of the degenerative disease in todays society is a result of an acidic body. Caused from our high acid diet of packaged and fast food, sodas, sport drinks and beer. (sorry beer)

It was shown by 2 time Nobel Prize Dr Otto Warburg that changing the blood PH even just a little to the alkaline side slows down the degeneration and eventually it goes away because it’s the wrong environment.

I know of several and I have heard of others that within a couple months of drinking Alkaline Antioxidant water that you make at home with a quality water ionizer, were able to get off insulin completely. It is worth looking into, I know personally that I have had tremendous pain relief from arthritis. And I hear every day from people I share water with how much it has done for them.

Why as a society are we so slow about learning these things ? It’s like, ‘Well it was good enough for Granddad, I guess it’s good enough for me’ Yea but granddad hurt all over and sometime after 60 he started really slowing down. Well I’m well into my 60’s and I don’t plan to slow down too much anytime soon. We have places to go, fish to catch, mountains to climb (I have slowed down on those, because I’m smarter), I can still out walk the grandkids.

I plan to live to be 100, but what point would it be if I was sick all the time ?

Have a fantastic and Healthy New Year…

Helping others get healthy.

I guess the most fun about sharing Alkaline water and it’s benefits is when we are able to actually share the water. We generally deliver water to people for free every Monday, Wednesday and Friday within a 50 mile radius for 3 weeks so people can actually try the water.

I feel like the old milkman, We just ask people to set their jugs out on the porch and we just drive by and leave full ones. We want people to be educated and quit all sodas and sport drinks for that period.

A few people have reported getting a headache at first and some quit. But for the ones that try it, over 90% report a noticeable positive improvement of some kind and the list is varied, psoriasis clearing up, blood pressure coming down, arthritis and general aches and pains gone, stomach problems no more, major gout relief, cancers in remission, athletes foot and infections gone (2.5ph water), PMS relief, muscle soreness relieved, dry skin and acne improved, cholesterol lowered, being able to get off insulin, weight loss and more energy to just name a few.

It is very rewarding to have been a help to people. What kind of results will you have ?    Or if you are drinking the water, tell us about it, leave a comment.

Have a great new year,

Follow up on machines and filters

Good Morning,
To finish up with what I was saying about the different water ionizers out there. In my opinion the Enagic machines are Bullet Prof, If you can’t afford a new one (and they have a really nice individual/dorm size for only $1480). Than get a used Enagic machine from like Ebay or something, should be able to get one for about $500 or so and as long as the computer inside is still working, the most it would need is a good deep cleaning and maybe a new filter and it is ready to go. The rest of them are like $10 coffee pots, they will work at first, until their cheap little components corrode through and they fall apart. Now you can help them out by giving them very clean filtered water before it even gets to the ionizer, that will help all of them. Of course we still don’t know what metal impurities are in them, but that is another subject. A note about filtration, first in line should be an inexpensive carbon filter. It’s a good pre-filter that removes a bunch of junk and a lot of the chlorine, change it often. Next in line I suggest a ceramic filter, it is easy to clean and reuse at the same time filtering down to the 1 micron size. Reverse Osmosis, GOOD & BAD. The GOOD, it removes almost 95% of everything in the water and filters are actually cheap. and you don’t have to change them often. The BAD, it removes almost everything, so not only are you not getting some of those trace elements and electrolytes, water has what is called ‘memory’ it wants those trace elements and electrolytes back so it literally takes them out of your body. So you get things like osteoporosis or your arthritis flares up. Also a water ionizer will not work with straight RO water, so He gave us a solution. Add a remineralizer filter after the RO unit and put the good stuff back in. Even if you don’t have an ionizer this will make RO good to drink. There is organic and inorganic, some filters are made from crushed rock I went with the ones made from coral. Coral is animal made. I’ll have to do a video of our filter setup. Merry Christmas Chris, Donna & Coco

A little bit about different alkaline water machines.

The big debate out there is not about “is Alkaline, Antioxidant water good for the body?” Everybody ,including doctors that have actually looked into it, (did you know that for all the years they spend in Med school, on average they only get 20 to 30 hours of training on Nutrition) anyway, everyone agrees it is good for you.

The debate is about PRICE.

Let me first explain about different metals that most everybody can understand. Lets say you are looking at getting a gold ring, pure gold is too soft for a ring what you find will be from 10K, that is about 41% gold to 18K that is 75% gold. But they are all still called GOLD. Nobody talks about what the other 25% to 60% is, it can literally be mixed with anything and you won’t know till your finger turns green or you have a reaction. Some gold is so watered down that it loses it’s yellow color and they call it ‘white gold’ but it is still gold.

Same thing with the plates inside of water ionizers. Enagic(r) the original Kangen Water machine is the only one that has medical grade solid plates, the rest of the ionizers use cheap plates from China and Korea. And there is people getting sick from the impurities and giving Alkaline water a bad name.

The problem with Enagic (r) is distributors just like me, get paid a commission based on the price of the machine. Sell a more expensive machine get a bigger commission. Did you know Enagic (r) has an excellent Alkaline, Antioxidant drinking water machine (it also does beauty water) for only $1480 ? Most distributors won’t tell you that, they want to sell you the $4000 machine partly because they get a bigger commission. Now don’t misunderstand the SD501 is a great machine, that is what we have and the DX model is very much the same. But my wife uses the High Alkaline water for stain removal and cleaning the oil based pesticides and junk off our fruits and vegetables, and we use the acidic water for killing bacteria and germs, like the infected eye our dog had a few weeks ago (all better now, thanks) to treating my athletes foot and disinfecting our hands on the go with a bottle she takes with us. Someday we will get the Super 501.

But not everybody needs or gets around to using all that, but everybody needs Healthy drinking and cooking water and that is where the Leveluk R model comes in. At only $1480 it gives you the healthy and alive 8.5, 9.0 and 9.5ph drinking and cooking water plus it also gives you the 5.5ph beauty water to keeping you looking good and is an excellent machine, we have sold a lot of them.

I made the mistake of getting one of those Korean machines at first because it was cheaper (didn’t know about the Leveluk R) and according to the internet they were all the same. Than within a couple months our good results went to bad and than to worse. We than bought the SD501 and got all our great results back. That other machine is in it’s box on the back porch. I can’t in good conscience sell it to anyone, so it turned out to be an expensive lesson. But it opened my eyes to the fact that people need to be educated and made aware of what is going on.