What is H2 or Hydrogen Water ?

Hydrogen (H2) water is water with a high concentration of dissolved hydrogen and high electron activity, and is also referred to as antioxidant water. It is produced by electrolysis in a water ionizer that literally takes apart the H2O water molecule and than puts it back together with an extra hydrogen electron. It is now referred to as H2 Water and when added to the body it supplies the missing electron that free radicals are looking for. As most of us know free radicals are responsible for degenerative diseases like, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, gout, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, and a general weakening of the immune system.
In 2007 with a lot of people talking about the benefits of drinking alkaline water, the United States and a few other country’s started doing studies and research on the subject and why some people get results and others don’t. What they are finding out is although maintaining a slightly alkaline ph balance in the body is very beneficial it’s the extra electron, that is only produced through electrolysis in an ionizer, that is responsible for fighting off these degenerative diseases. The only problem is the extra electrons created dissipate (escape) within 16 to 18 hours after the H2 water is created. In other words you have to drink it while it is fresh.
Another thing that happens when the H2 water is created, is during the electrolysis the water molecule is changed in another way that is inaccurately referred to as micro-clustering. In demonstrations it appears to be the result of a smaller molecule size and has been reported as such by many researchers and doctors when in fact what is happening is the electronic field around the molecules are changed allowing for up to 6 times better hydration than normal.
The H2 rich alkaline antioxidant water produced by a good water ionizer made from high quality materials and medical grade plates is quickly becoming the accepted first line of defense in maintaining good health. Before long every home will have one, and with prices starting at only $1480 US from the top of the line company, it’s actually cheaper than bottled water for the average family plus healthier and eliminates the tons of plastic bottles that end up in our environment every day.
If you go to my site, http://www.alkaline-antioxidant-water.com We have a FREE E-book so you can learn more…

Dr. Filtzer and our modern acidic enviroment.

“Drinking the right water, not just any water, is critical for your health and prevention of disease. This is true, now more than ever, in our acidic 21st century society.” –Horst S. Filtzer, MD., F.A.C.S. Former Chief of Surgery Cambridge Hospital Harvard Medical School.
In 1931 the chances of getting cancer were 1 in 50,000. Now the chances of getting cancer if you are a man is 1 in 2 and if you are a woman 1 in 3. A lot has changed since 1931.
There has been a lot of research and observations done to see what has changed and here are some interesting facts.
The body of a baby born in 1900 is equal to and the same as a baby born in 2000.
The difference is what we are putting in and on our body.
Pollution, namely a multitude of man made chemicals that are now loose on the world, in our air, soil and water.
Our food, is grown from chemicals and covered in chemicals in the form of pesticides and herbicides, most of which are oil based and can’t be washed off with normal water. Than most of our food is processed (more chemicals added) and packaged.
All of this has combined to create the highly acidic environment of today’s society that Dr. Filtzer is referring to. It is that slight shift in our body PH to the acidic side that makes for the right environment for degenerative diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, chronic pain and heart disease.
As a whole we may be living a little longer but I notice a lot of people by the time they reach 50, are slaves to the medical and pharmaceutical community and have slowed way down.

The good news is, we are mostly water, about 70%, so if we drink more alkaline antioxidant water it will have more of a balancing affect than anything we can do. Plus it is easy, tastes good, helps us feel good, is environmentally friendly and saves us a bunch of money each year. Plus a very high alkaline water will emulsify and remove the oily pesticides and herbicides from your vegetables.
For more information we have a blog at, and a FREE ebook on our site,
Have a Blessed day everyone,
Chris, Donna and Coco,

Alkaline water, vs. Kangen Alkaline Antioxidant water

A lot of people are confused about alkaline water and ionized alkaline water or as I call it alkaline antioxidant water. Yes adding lemon to water is very good for you, lemon although acidic turns alkaline in the body and it also has some great organic minerals, but it adds no antioxidant value to the water, that is so vital to our health. The electrical ionization is what creates the antioxidant value of the water in much the same way water flowing over the ground gains in antioxidant value from the magnetic fields in the earth.
Alkaline water can be made up of a combination of things, the most popular of those is baking soda. Now true it will raise the PH reading and chances are something like it was probably added to the water at the treatment plant before it headed out in pipes to your home. By law the water piped has to be neutral and they add things to make it that way. Where as a small amount of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) (make sure it doesn’t have any aluminum in it) is good for a lot of things, too much can cause, seizures, abdominal pain, chest pain, muscle pain and other serious conditions.
Ionized has no additives to it because it’s restructured water. Drinking alkaline antioxidant water can help to retain your optimal body PH balance so it will function at peak efficiency.
Plain alkaline water doesn’t have the antioxidant values that alkaline antioxidant water has. Many doctors and studies have found that patients that drank alkaline antioxidant water created through ionization have had tremendous health benefits in,
High blood pressure
Leg cramps
Chronic constipation
Migraines, just to name a few.
It’s what we don’t know and advertising companies don’t tell us that may not be good for us but good for their stockholders… Ask questions and find out for yourself.
We have a FREE Ebook at our home site, www.alkaline-antioxidant-water.com Depending on were you live, I may be able to set you up with a 3 week FREE water trial, so you can see first hand what it might do for you.
Some people have asked to learn a little more about ‘us’, we can be found at, www.wildwoodcrafters.com and on Facebook, Kangen Chris Jensen
Have a Blessed day…

Our story

Now after 2 years of drinking the Kangen alkaline antioxidant water that we make in our kitchen. We have come up with some amazing results and found out some interesting ways to use the different waters that our machine makes.

Donna is still off 90% of the prescribed medications she was on 2 years ago, she was taking 22 different meds a day (that is one heck of a savings). I gained back the 5 lbs I lost at the start, but my bones still don’t hurt at all. The range of movement in my left arm, I think has improved a little and has definitely not gotten worse.

Everybody has their good days and bad days, Donna had a few bad days last summer after a 4 wheeler wreck playing with the grandkids, broke her elbow. Otherwise she still likes to sleep till about 9:00 and than she is busy the rest of the day, visiting and volunteering. We have been able to notice that just a few days in a row of drinking coffee or eating a lot of beef or pork and we get sluggish and achy.

We are also glad we got the ‘flagship model’ the SD501 that makes the 11.5 PH water that emulsifies and removes the oil based pesticides on fruits and vegetables, and the 2.5 PH water that kills bacteria and sanitizes everything without chemicals, we use it a lot.

Bottom line is, putting healthy things into our body makes us feel better and have more energy. Why was that so hard to figure out ???

There are models starting at just $1480 us. http://www.alkaline-antioxidant-water.com We also have a FREE ebook…

Alkaline Antioxidant Water

Kangen Water
After being introduced to Alkaline Antioxidant water and seeing first hand the amazing health benefits of drinking the water. For example my wife Donna, 57 been going to doctors and hospitals since she was 6, been is major surgery’s at least 12 times including 4 hip replacements a shoulder replacement among things and had been a walking pharmacy taking over 20 pills a day and at times almost bedfast.
To within 4 weeks of starting drinking Alkaline water cutting her pills in half, down 5 pounds, lots of energy, pain level way down and now after 2 years of drinking the water she takes one pill a day has lots of energy and is going all the time almost pain free. Oh by the way blood pressure down 100 points, cholesterol down 80 points just from the water !
Me, 63 and healthy, never was a water drinker. Started getting…

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What do the Doctors have to say about alkaline antioxidant water ?

     Information moves very fast on this computer, but apparently it moves really slow in the health care community.

I don’t go to doctors much myself, but I end up in their offices anyway and any and every time I’m in there I ask if anybody has heard of Alkaline Antioxidant water yet. And nobody has ever heard of it… It has been around for 40 years and is used in some of the top hospitals in the world. As you will see the top doctors, nutritionists and researchers that have looked into this water all talk about amazing reports. So why doesn’t MY doctor or yours either know about this?

Time to take notice, get it straightened out so we can get back to the important things in life. like fishing !

Look through what some of these doctors have to say and judge for your self. We have tried it, it’s amazing…

Doctors About (Alkaline Antioxidant Water)

http://www.alkaline-antioxidant-water.com Brought to you by, http://www.wildwoodcrafters.com

Dr. Hiromi Shinya, Dr. Horst Filtzer, Dr. Corinne Allen, Dr. Dave Carpenter, Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky, Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, Dr. Susan Lark, Dr. Lester Packer, Dr. Ray Kurzweil, Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi, Dr. Robert Young, Dr. Sherry Rodgers, Dr. Peggy Parker, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Dr. Don Colbert, Shan Stratton, Felicia Drury Kliment

Dr. Hiromi Shinya:

“I have examined more than 300,000 people’s stomachs and intestines for 35 years and realize that our health depends largely on our dietary life.” “It is widely recognized in the medical profession that a healthy and clean colon is one of the most important precursors to good health and that the great majority of body ailments and diseases originate in an acidic and dirty colon. Water is essential for your health.

“Kangen Water is alkaline rich water (ph 8-9), and is considered the very best drinking water because of its incomparable powers of hydration, detoxification, and anti- oxidation.”

~Dr. Hiromi Shinya, Leading Gastroenterologist and Surgeon

Dr. Hiromi Shinya is Clinical Professor of Surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Chief of the Endoscopy Unit of Beth Israel Hospital in New York, as well as an advisor for Maeda Hospital and Hanzomon Gastrointestinal Clinic in Japan.

Dr. Horst Filtzer:

“When I first drank Kangen Water I experienced something I had never have before, I liked it, I liked it very much. … As I investigated the product, as I investigated the concept of ionized water, as I investigated the concept of alkalization of the body cells, I became more and more convinced that this is a product that is of absolute value to all mankind. That it is a product that should be used in all households if at all possible, because it clearly is superior to any form of water than I ever encountered.”

“Personally, I can testify that there is no question that my own life has been markedly enriched by the ingestion of Kangen Water. .. I endorse Kangen Water as a physician, as a surgeon, as a human being, 100%. I feel that it is of great benefit to all mankind. … I can only recommend it in the highest way.”

Dr. Horst Filtzer, M.D. a Harvard Medical School graduate cum laude is a Vascular Surgeon.

Dr. Corinne Allen:

“Brain inflammation can occur from many causes including: head injuries, premature birth, lack of oxygen and various infections. The resulting inflammation can provide dysfunction in the body’s ability to detoxify harmful substances. They can also exhibit mitochondria that have low energy output and high free-radical generation. Often those with brain challenges like Autism and Aspergers, drink almost no water each day, only accentuating the problems in brain functioning. In Autistics and others where brain inflammation is high, toxins can more easily cross the blood brain flooding the brain with free radicals. Kangen Water™ has been providing my clients with a strong source of antioxidants and improved hydration. In our brain programs we observed that our therapeutic expectations have been significantly exceeded by adding Kangen Water™ to the treatment plan.

~Dr. Corinne Allen, Nutritionist

Dr. Corinne Allen is an international researcher and practitioner in natural health and nutrition and has been in practice for more than 30 years.

Dr. Dave Carpenter:

“This [alkalizing] program contains a whole new way of looking at diet and nutrition. When followed, it leads to a healthy, lean, trim body and an enhanced level of wellness, energy and mental clarity most people have not experienced previously. ” “Based on years of research and observation, we have concluded that over acidification of the body is the underlying cause of all disease. Because many people consume a diet primarily comprised of acid forming foods, (i.e. sugars, meat, dairy, yeast breads, coffee, alcohol, starches, etc.) rather than whole plant foods, they are frequently sick and tired” “In my experience, Kangen Water™ supercharges your nutritional program better than anything. Water is the key and this [Enagic® Kangen™ Water] is the best water I know of. Anyone who gives it an honest try will experience it in their own health, without question!”

Dr. Dave Carpenter is a member of the Idaho Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky:

“Acid wastes build up in the body in the form of cholesterol, gallstones, kidney stones, arterial plaque, urates, phosphates and sulfates. These acidic waste products are the direct cause of premature aging and the onset of chronic disease.” “I believe that the best water is water that is alkaline (reduced) and purified using a small device known as a water ionizer.”

Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky is a Canadian naturopathic doctor

Dr. Theodore A. Baroody:

“Any stressor that the mind or body interprets and internalizes as too much to deal with, leaves an acid residue. Even a mild stressor can cause a partial or total acid-forming reaction. … The countless names attached to illness do not really mater. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause: too much tissue acid waste in the body.” “It is my opinion that ionized water will change the way in which all health practitioners and the public approach their health in the coming years. … I have administered over 5000 gallons of this water for about every health situation imaginable. I feel that restructured alkaline water can benefit everyone.”

Dr. Theodore A. Baroody,DC, ND, Ph.D., Dipl. Acu., Nutritional Consultant

Dr. Susan Lark:

“Drinking four to six glasses of alkaline water a day will help to neutralize over acidity and over time will help to restore your buffering ability. Alkaline water should be used when conditions of over acidity develop, such as cold, flu or bronchitis. Like vitamins C, E and Beta Carotene, alkaline water acts as an antioxidant because of its excess supply of free electrons. This can help the body against the development of heart disease, strokes, immune dysfunctions, and other common ailments.” “The benefits of the alkaline water created through electrolysis far exceed just its ability to gently raise the pH of the cells and tissues of the body and to neutralize acids. Because the alkaline water has gained a significant number of free electrons through the electrolysis process, it is able to donate these electrons to active oxygen free radicals in the body, thereby becoming a super antioxidant. By donating its excess free electrons, alkaline water is able to block the oxidation of normal tissue by free oxygen radicals.”

Dr. Susan Lark is one of the foremost authorities in the fields of clinical nutrition and preventive medicine.

Dr. Lester Packer:

“Scientists now believe that free radicals are factors in nearly every known disease”

“Consuming the right type of water is vital to detoxifying the body’s acidic waste products and is one of the most powerful health treatments available.” … “We recommended that you drink 8-10 glasses per day of this alkaline water. It is one of the simplest and most powerful things that you can do to combat a wide range of disease processes. It is interesting to note that in Japan, professional sports teams drink alkaline water to improve their performance” … “It is well known that many chronic diseases result in excess acidity of the body (metabolic acidosis). We also know that the body tends to become more acidic due to modern dietary habits and lifestyles and the aging process itself. By drinking high negative ORP alkaline water, you combat metabolic acidosis and improve absorption of nutrients.”

Dr. Lester Packer, Senior scientist at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, world’s foremost antioxidant research scientist.

Dr. Ray Kurzweil:

“There are more benefits to “alkaline water” than simply the alkalinity or pH. The most important feature of alkaline water produced by a water alkalizer is its oxidation reduction potential (ORP). Water with a high negative ORP is of particular value in its ability to neutralize oxygen free radicals. ORP can also be directly tested using an ORP sensor and meter. We have conducted these experiments as well. We found that water coming directly from the tap had an ORP of +290mV, while the water coming out of the water alkalinizer had a negative ORP. The more negative the ORP of a substance (that is, the higher its negative ORP), the more likely it is to engage in chemical reactions that donate electrons. These electrons are immediately available to engage in reactions that neutralize positively charged free radicals. This is the key benefit of water produced by a water alkalinizer that is not available by simply drinking water that has had some bicarb or other compounds dissolved in it to make it alkaline.”

Dr. Ray Kurzweil, Award-winning Scientist, is one of the world’s leading inventors, thinkers, and futurists.

Dr. Mu Shik Jhon:

“Hexagonal water – comprised of small molecular units or ring-shaped clusters – move easily within the cellular matrix of the body, helping with nutrient absorption and waste removal. It aids metabolic processes, supports the immune system, contributes to lasting vitality and acts as a carrier of dissolved oxygen. It can provide alkaline minerals to the body and it helps in the more efficient removal of acidic wastes. Drinking hexagonal water takes us in the direction of health. It supports long life and freedom from disease. Biological organisms prefer hexagonal water.” “Ionized water has a hexagonal shape and carries an abundance of hydroxyl ions (OH-). It provides extra electrons that neutralize destructive free radicals circulating throughout the body. Hexagonal ionized water carries a high negative ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) when it is first produced, making it a potent anti-oxidant.” “When taken internally, the reduced ionized water with it redox potential, or ORP of -250 to -350 readily donates its electrons to oddball oxygen radicals and blocks the interaction of the active oxygen with normal molecules.” “Water has the ability to attract and accumulate bio-energy. It also stores an energy memory of harmful or helpful vibrations to which it was exposed in the past. Chlorinated tap water is polluted with non-biological chemicals and negative energy imprints. It is also devoid of bio-energy and so may be regarded as being badly polluted as well as ‘dead’. Alkaline living water is regarded by a growing number of health care professionals as the best water to drink and is listed as a medical device in Japan for the treatment of degenerative diseases.” “My hypothesis was born from the clinical observation study in our clinic. Since May ’85 we have confirmed thousands of clinical improvements, obtained solely by exchanging drinking (as well as cooking water) from tap water to reduced water.”

Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, Chemist, Founding president of the Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia

Professor Mu Shik Jhon, Honorary and Founding president of the Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia (AASA).

Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi:

“Devices to produce reduced water were introduced into our clinic in May 1985. Based on the clinical experiences obtained in the past 15 years, it can be said that introduction of naturally reduced water (using H-01 Active Hydrogen Generator) or electrolyzed-reduced water for drinking and cooking purpose for inpatients should be the very prerequisite in our daily medical practices. It is because any dietary recipe cannot be a scientific one if property of water taken by the patients is not taken into consideration.” “The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan announced in 1965 that the intake of reduced water is effective for restoration of intestinal flora metabolism.” CLINICAL IMPROVEMENTS OBTAINED FROM THE INTAKE OF REDUCED WATER HAYASHI, Hidemitsu, M.D., Water Institute, & KAWAMURA, Munenori, M.D., Kyowa Medical Clinic, (1985-2000) (17)

1. Improvement of blood glucose and HbAIC levels in diabetes mellitus.

2. Improvement of peripheral circulation in diabetic gangrene.

3. Improvement of uric acid levels in gout.

4. Improvement of liver function in hepatic disease, cirrhosis of liver, hepatitis.

5. Improvement of gastroduodenal ulcers and prevention of recurrences.

6. Improvement of cholesterol level; hypertension, angina, myocardial infarction.

7. Improvement of hypersensitive disorders; atopic dermatitis, asthma, urticaria.

8. Improvement of autoimmune disorders; rheumatism, collagen disease, SLE.

9. Improvement of so-called specific diseases; Behcet’ syndrome, Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, Kawasaki’s disease.

10. Improvement of malignant tumors of liver; hepatoma, metastatic tumors.

11. Improvement of general malaise, chronic constipation & diarrhea as well as persistent diarrhea occurred after gastric resection.

12. Improvement of dehydration in infants with vomiting and diarrhea caused by viral infection.

13. Improvement of hyperbilirubinemia in newborns.

14. Experiences of pregnant women who took reduced water during their pregnancy; almost no emesis, smooth delivery, slight jaundice, enough lactation, smooth and satisfactory growth of newborns.

Dr Hidemitsu Hayashi, Cardiovascular Surgeon, Director of the Water Institute of Japan

Dr. Robert Young:

“The pH level (the acid-alkaline measurement) of our internal fluids affects every cell in our bodies. Extended acid imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body. Indeed, the entire metabolic process depends on a balanced internal alkaline environment. A chronically over-acidic pH corrodes body tissue, slowly eating into the 60,000 miles of veins and arteries like acid eating into marble. If left unchecked, it will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain. In summary, over-acidification interferes with life itself leading to all sickness and disease!” “Researchers believe that disease is caused by excess acidity in our body that weakens all body systems. Caused by our high stress lifestyles, what we eat and pollutants, it affects virtually everyone. This forces the body to rob minerals – calcium and magnesium – from vital organs and bones. Our reserves are depleted, leaving the body vulnerable to bone density loss, heartburn, indigestion, blood sugar issues, weight gain – 68 conditions in all. When healthy, your body has sufficient alkaline reserves to balance it self – and naturally resists disease. The easiest way to help your body to be more alkaline is to drink alkaline water”

Dr. Robert O. Young, Cellular Nutritionist, MS, D.Sc., Ph.D., N.D.

Dr. Sherry Rodgers:

“Alkaline water rids the body of acid waste… After carefully evaluating the results of my advice to hundreds of individuals, I’m convinced that toxicity in the form of acidic waste is the primary cause of degenerative disease.”

Dr. Sherry Rogers, M.D., Immunologist, Environmental Medicine, is a Fellow of the American College of Allergy and Immunology.

Dr. Peggy Parker:

“Months of testing and research have led me to the discovery that drinking Kangen Water™ is the most effective tool I have found to quickly, easily, and economically reduce cellular oxidation and achieve a more alkaline pH in the body.” As a Biological Medicine Physician, I have been measuring the levels of oxidation in bodily fluids for about a decade using a very sophisticated piece of lab equipment called the QFA (Quantitative Fluid Analysis). Based on the rate of oxidation in these fluids this measurement device calculates a person’s biological age. For most people this biological age is generally 20-50 years older than their actual chronological age. Since it is our biological age that determines the length of our life, that number is quite significant. More than 3 years of testing and research have led me to the discovery that drinking Kangen Reduced Alkaline Water is the most effective tool for quickly, easily and economically changing the rate of oxidation on cells that I have ever encountered.” “One can therefore say that drinking ionized Kangen water has the potential to slow the aging process. The powerful component of the water that does this is the -ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) charge on the water. This negative ORP part of the water is what causes this water to be able to slow down the oxidation of our bodies. As the cell walls of our body become oxidized, they become sticky and this prevents hydration of the body as well as nutrient absorption and cell waste to be expelled. The -ORP removes oxidation from the cell wall and allows for better hydration, and cell metabolism and overall cell health.”

Dr. Peggy Parker, Naturopathic Physician, Biological Medicine, N.D. & Biological Medicine expert.

Dr. Leonard Horowitz:

“International studies show that populations with little or no history of illness, such as cancer, drink higher pH (alkaline) waters. After all potential risk factors were considered and factored out, it became evident that they had been drinking waters with a pH of 9.0 to 10.0.”

Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Behavioral Scientist, Educator, is an internationally known authority in behavioral science, public health education, and health practice management.

Dr. Don Colbert:

“Hexagonal, alkaline water is especially effective in treating those with chronic disease.” “Your body thrives in an alkaline environment since it is able to detoxify more efficiently than in an acidic environment. In an alkaline environment your tissues get rid of impurities more efficiently. When cancer patients come into my office to begin nutritional treatment, their bodies are almost always very acidic and toxic. My first task is to get their tissues alkalinized with alkaline water.” “I have recommended alkaline hexagonal water to even my youngest patients. In 2005 a ten-year old girl and her parents came to my office in South Carolina. The girl had crippling juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and weighed only fifty-two pounds. Her hands were swollen like mitts, and her knees were swollen as large as softballs. I put her on hexagonal, alkaline water, one to two quarts a day. A week and a half later she was pain free, and her swelling was significantly diminished. When she arrived she was wheelchair bound, but she was actually able to walk without pain after only a week and a half of drinking hexagonal, alkaline water. Her parents were ecstatic. We raised the pH of her tissues. After a month, her hands were almost normal size.”

Dr. Don Colbert, Medical Doctor, is board certified in family practice and anti aging medicine.

Shan Stratton, Sports Nutritional Consultant for the NBA, NFL, MLB, PGA, LPGA, NASCAR, NHL, NY Yankees, AZ Diamondbacks, Houston Rockets, LA Dodgers, etc.:

Whilst I taught the principles and the need for hydration, I never understood until about four months ago the need for ‘proper’ hydration. For fifteen years I taught in the nutrition industry the importance of nutrient utilization rather than nutrient consumption. That same principle holds true in the area of hydration. It’s not about how much water or liquid you drink it’s about how much is actually being utilized within the body. I was introduced to a company called Enagic® who provide a very simple technology that improves hydration. Their water is called Kangen Water™. Kangen in the Japanese word meaning “return to origin. I had thought, water was water. That couldn’t have been further from the truth. I was missing a very key component of our health, and that is proper hydration. ” If you go back to the basics of nature, and you take water from natural springs coming out of the earth, all of that water has a very high pH or alkalinity to it, and the waters that we drink out of the tap or purification systems, or bottled water is far from alkaline, in fact it is more acidic. I spent fifteen years trying to teach people to reduce the acidity within the body through the food that we eat. But, that really takes a complete lifestyle change, when in reality I now realize that we can change very quickly and effectively by simply changing the water we drink. … This Kangen Water technology is truly nothing short of miraculous in my opinion, because it really provides three different very important aspects to our health that I find very intriguing. Number one is this machine provides a very high antioxidant based water … the second thing I am really impressed with is its microclustering abilities … and the third component [its alkalinity], Kangen Water™ is up to a 9.5 pH.”

Shan Stratton, Sports Nutritionist

Felicia Drury Kliment BA. MS:

“After years of very positive continuous clinical experiment that I am conducting with hundreds of clients using electronically restructured alkaline water, it is my opinion that this technology will change the way in which all health providers and the public will approach their health in the coming years. … My suggestion is to drink restructured alkaline water whenever possible.

Felicia Drury Kliment BA. MS. is the author of The Acid Alkaline Balance.

Ready to get one of your own ?

As low as $20 per month, http://www.alkaline-antioxidant-water.com

RO Reverse Osmosis and Essential Minerals

Reverse osmosis is a membrane filter that water is forced though under pressure after it has gone through pre-filters to keep the membrane from clogging. The filtration going through the membrane is so good that it removes almost everything and yes it is very clean water. But it is unhealthy water because it removed almost everything, some call it dead water.

Some of those essential minerals are, potassium, calcium, manganese, electrolytes.

The reason it is bad for the body is not only did it remove the Essential minerals that our body needs, but water has a memory and a natural attraction to these minerals. So when the RO water enters the body, it is sort of like a magnet and it pulls the essential minerals out of our body on it’s way out. If you have RO I suggest looking into getting a remineralizer filter and installing it after the RO. We went with the one that is made from coral. It is made by animals so it must be organic. Should be able to do the add on for about $60 not counting the install and it lasts a really long time.

Reverse osmosis water is also on the acidic side, the acid-alkaline balance of the body is incredibly important and in acute cases, an imbalance can even be a cause for a medical emergency. However, much of the damage it does is in the long-term that we don’t notice till it’s too late, contributing to heart disease, cancer, poor circulation and poor digestion, just to name a few of the unfortunate side-effects. Keeping to an alkaline diet and drinking alkaline antioxidant water (with a high mineral content) should be able to help prevent that and keep your body’s pH balance where it needs to be.

If the body is slightly alkaline, this supports good circulation of oxygenated blood through the lungs and back into the heart and so on to the rest of the body. Acidity, on the other hand, can deprive lung cells of the needed oxygen and can eventually lead to weakened lung tissue which is more vulnerable to disease.

One of the most important functions of the pancreas is to produce digestive enzymes to help counteract the effects of the acidic bile from the stomach. However, it can only do this by using alkalized bicarbonate ions. Otherwise, this bile can cause pain and inflammation and also erode the linings of the digestive tract, leading to potentially serious health problems

The kidneys are incredibly important, since they are responsible to for processing the fluids of the urinary tract. If acidity in the body is high, the body will try to compensate for this by pulling minerals from the bones to help alkalize the blood, and this mineral deposits can be transformed into painful kidney stones. Drinking alkaline water can help prevent this.

So if you are wanting to make a small change in your lifestyle which can have a big impact on your health, consider drinking alkaline water instead of regular water from the tap. It can help lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, strengthen your immune system so that you are better able to fight off illness and infection and even improve your digestion.

You can get a good alkaline antioxidant machine here, http://www.alkaline-antioxidant-water.com

High alkaline foods

I know some people that can keep their body in an acid-alkaline balance by the foods they eat and by observing their eating habits it did not look like it was easy to do. So I did some checking and came up with a couple short lists of high alkaline food and high acidic foods.

High alkaline foods include,  Stevia, Maple Syrup, Raw Honey, Brown Rice, Brown Sugar, Lemon, Watermelon, Grapes, Papaya, Dates, Figs, Melons, Kiwi, Blueberry, Orange, Banana, Cherry, Pineapple, Peaches, Avocados, Apple, Pear, Asparagus, Onions, Carrots Tomato, Fresh Corn, Vegetable Juice, Parsley, Raw Spinach, Broccoli, Green Beans, Celery, Lettuce, Mushroom, Cabbage, Peas, Olive, Soybeans, Almond, Chestnut, Canola Oil, Millet, Green tea, Ginger Tea etc.

High acidic foods include, Cooked Spinach, Kidney Beans, String Beans, Chocolate, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Corn Oil, Pecans, Cashew, Peanut, Walnut, Bread, White Rice, Sugar, Pastries, Pasta, Turkey, Chicken, Lamb, Beef, Pork, Shellfish, Egg, Butter, Yogurt, Ice Cream, Tea, Coffee, Beer, Soft Drink, Cola etc.

There is a lot on the alkaline list I was happy to see and than a few on the acidic side I really like and I think life would not be complete with out a few of them. I think that is where most of us are, we know some things are not real good for us but we really like them.

Considering our body is 75% water, than that can make a big difference with the liquid we drink. I still stay COMPLETELY away from sodas or sport drinks of all kinds, never have been a beer drinker, thank God. But I do like food, so what we do is only eat any of the acidic foods with our main meals because that is when our stomach needs the acid anyway, By the way don’t drink alkaline water with your meal it will counter act with your stomach. Wait half hour after eating before going back to alkaline water and if I had eaten very acidic like a steak or something I drink a little extra water later and make sure all my snacks are from the alkaline list.

Acid / Alkaline Balance youtube video about 6 minutes


As low as $20 per month, machines and their uses,  http://www.alkaline-antioxidant-water.com

Snow day, I think I’ll read.

Snowed again last night and we won’t be above freezing for at least the next several days. Makes everything pretty and white.

So I’ve done a bit of reading today,

Boy is alkaline water and health a charged subject, You have people on one side saying it’s good for you and of course on the other side people saying it is not and comparing alkaline antioxidant water to snake oil. Interesting that most of the people against it, have never tried it. Like I told one magazine writer, It would be like me writing a book about being blind, oh sure I could close my eyes, does that qualify me ? Maybe I should write a book about being blind, what do you think. She even had some science people ‘water experts’ that she had talked to. Basically they said they could not find a reason for it to do anything, I don’t think they tried it either. Probably got their liquid from a Bar. That may be a bit harsh, sorry Jane. She and the experts did go on to say that getting your body a little on the alkaline side was good for you, What ? But not alkaline water ?

Than on the other side are the people that have tried the water and as you can well imagine all the glowing reports. We know too many people that have had great results and can do things now they could not before. So I went and found a couple experts of my own. Here is what they had to say,

Theodore Baroody D.C., N.D., Ph.D., Dipl. Acu. Author of the book Alkalize or Die “I have administered over 5000 gallons of this water for about every health situation imaginable. I feel that restructured alkaline water can benefit everyone. The countless names attached to illness do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause: too much tissue acid waste in the body.”

David S. Dyer N.M.D., Ph.D. “Even with good health, I don’t want to challenge my immune system every time I go to the tap for a drink of water. A recent research project using specially bred mice that have a weakened immune system had some astonishing results. One group of mice was given plain tap water resulting in an average life span of 235 days. A second group given restructured alkaline water had an average life span of 346 days. The restructured alkaline water significantly increased the second group’s life span and strengthened their immune system”.

Now everybody’s body is different, That is the neat thing about being able to let people try the water for awhile to make sure it works for them. What other product can you do that with ? I even made my wife get water from our neighbor for 3 months just to make sure there was no ‘faith healing’ at work here. I was not a water drinker at the time, just an arthritis sufferer.

Than I made the mistake of getting a cheap machine (no one told me Enagic had a very good $1480 machine) and all of her good results turned bad, fortunately when we got the machine we have now all her good results came back. And that may have a lot to do with some of the negative, is the leaching of the metals in the cheaper machine. But being everybody is different once in awhile we run across someone that it does not seem to do anything for, about 1 in 20.

Alkaline benefits in diet

This is from a health site article that I think shows how alkaline Kangen water works in the body in a get to the point way;;

“”Disease can not live in an alkaline body” Dr. Otto Warberg

“NO disease, including CANCER, can exist in an alkaline environment.” – Dr. Otto Warberg, 1931 Nobel Prize winner for cancer discovery

An alkaline body promotes health on several accounts:

1. An alkaline body has plenty of antioxidants.

2. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, which are particles that can cause mutations on the healthy body cells.

3. If those free radicals out number antioxidants, their the chronic presence will make healthy cells to mutate into cancer cells.

4. Free radicals also can cause other health conditions like auto immune diseases.

5. One benefit of drinking alkaline water or kangen water is that it makes the immune system stronger, helping in combating diseases.

The easier way to make your body alkaline is by eating fruits and vegetables, including green leafy ones, that have not been cocked, preserving all nutrients, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals.

Green leafy vegetables like kale, green chard, lettuce, broccoli, cilantro, parsley, celery, and others, are a great source of nutrients that makes your body alkaline and healthy.

Processed foods, canned, boxed food, over cooked food, just even cooked, have the opposite effect: they do not have the necessary nutrients, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and minerals the body needs to be healthy and strong; to be able to fight germs, viruses and diseases.

Because of the speedy modern life, most people just go to restaurants, fast food places or just open a box, packet, or can of food. That food makes your body acidic, a recipe for diseases to come.

A very effective way to counter act the damaging effects of food deprived of alkaline nutrients, is to drink lots of alkaline water.

Drinking alkaline water kangen water in large quantities, a gallon a day, helps to detoxify the body, and to incorporate the necessary alkaline elements that makes your body alkaline and brings you back to health. “

Comments and likes are always appreciated, go ahead and join in.

A little bit about different alkaline water machines.

The big debate out there is not about “is Alkaline, Antioxidant water good for the body?” Everybody ,including doctors that have actually looked into it, (did you know that for all the years they spend in Med school, on average they only get 20 to 30 hours of training on Nutrition) anyway, everyone agrees it is good for you.

The debate is about PRICE.

Let me first explain about different metals that most everybody can understand. Lets say you are looking at getting a gold ring, pure gold is too soft for a ring what you find will be from 10K, that is about 41% gold to 18K that is 75% gold. But they are all still called GOLD. Nobody talks about what the other 25% to 60% is, it can literally be mixed with anything and you won’t know till your finger turns green or you have a reaction. Some gold is so watered down that it loses it’s yellow color and they call it ‘white gold’ but it is still gold.

Same thing with the plates inside of water ionizers. Enagic(r) the original Kangen Water machine is the only one that has medical grade solid plates, the rest of the ionizers use cheap plates from China and Korea. And there is people getting sick from the impurities and giving Alkaline water a bad name.

The problem with Enagic (r) is distributors just like me, get paid a commission based on the price of the machine. Sell a more expensive machine get a bigger commission. Did you know Enagic (r) has an excellent Alkaline, Antioxidant drinking water machine (it also does beauty water) for only $1480 ? Most distributors won’t tell you that, they want to sell you the $4000 machine partly because they get a bigger commission. Now don’t misunderstand the SD501 is a great machine, that is what we have and the DX model is very much the same. But my wife uses the High Alkaline water for stain removal and cleaning the oil based pesticides and junk off our fruits and vegetables, and we use the acidic water for killing bacteria and germs, like the infected eye our dog had a few weeks ago (all better now, thanks) to treating my athletes foot and disinfecting our hands on the go with a bottle she takes with us. Someday we will get the Super 501.

But not everybody needs or gets around to using all that, but everybody needs Healthy drinking and cooking water and that is where the Leveluk R model comes in. At only $1480 it gives you the healthy and alive 8.5, 9.0 and 9.5ph drinking and cooking water plus it also gives you the 5.5ph beauty water to keeping you looking good and is an excellent machine, we have sold a lot of them.

I made the mistake of getting one of those Korean machines at first because it was cheaper (didn’t know about the Leveluk R) and according to the internet they were all the same. Than within a couple months our good results went to bad and than to worse. We than bought the SD501 and got all our great results back. That other machine is in it’s box on the back porch. I can’t in good conscience sell it to anyone, so it turned out to be an expensive lesson. But it opened my eyes to the fact that people need to be educated and made aware of what is going on.